
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Make Delicious Homemade Protein Bars And Improve Your Nutrition

By Robert Stanley

Within a very short time, homemade protein bars can be created in your own kitchen. Making your own will allow you the option of adding the ingredients you love at a much more reasonable price than buying the packaged ones. Trying a few online recipes is one of the easiest ways to discover something tasty.

While grocery store bars come ready to go in nice, tidy packages, their convenience costs quite a bit. Curbing hunger when anyone is working and rushing here and there is one top reason for picking up these handy items at a favorite health food store, too. But, even though these mini meals are less expensive than eating fast foods, if you take into account a dollar here and another there, the total over time is going to higher than you might expect.

Nobody needs to be a cook to prepare some bars. These are often a simple base layer with a mixed topping poured over it. The ingredients are sticky to help bind everything together. They are actually a simple mix of basic ingredients poured into a pan and left to harden. You just cut the firm ingredients into squares and pack them in plastic snack bags to take with you. If you make more than you need at one time, just freeze the rest for later.

Many online versions suggest using macadamia or almonds combined with pumpkin or sunflower seeds to make a nice crunchy base layer. Keeping these raw or toasting them a bit is up to personal taste. To add the protein, several powders are common ingredients. Rice bran, soy or flax meal are popular to supply the hunger control part. Binding everything together with honey, nut butters and coconut oil is as easy as stirring these in. Some recipes are baked in the oven for a short time, but others are simply press and chill.

The base layer is covered with a flavorful topping of melted carob or chocolate chips. Some home cooks make their own mixtures of these, but using store bought ones are just fine. If you are a chocolate fanatic, then the flavor or carob probably will not do it for you, so be guilt free and use what you enjoy.

While many recipes can be made without cooking a thing, others include minimal cooking requirements. Granola is often popular because it reminds people so much of eating old fashioned cereal. The advantages are that it can be eaten pretty much anywhere, with no bowl necessary.

Healthy ingredients such as seeds, oats, dried fruits, nut butters, coconut oil, maple syrup or honey are poured into a bowl for mixing. Spread into a pan for baking about half an hour in the oven and then cool and crumble later. It is easy to divide the mixture and pour it into snack bags. This will provide a full pan of granola, made simple for easy snacking.

Making homemade protein bars is a nice way to eat more of what you enjoy while focusing on your personal nutritional needs. Rather than spending enormous amounts of money on less than tasty store bought versions, consider creating your own recipes. You might find yourself eating them on a regular basis and feeling better, too.

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