
Monday, February 18, 2013

Body Building Men - Do People Make Fun Of Your Workouts?

It is a known fact that women love men with great physiques. And body building men are perfect candidates for every single woman who are looking for a partner. Those facts generate a conclusion that a man must work out if he wants a woman to fall for him. Although this is obviously only one aspect of a man a woman could be attracted to.

However, are women only the reason why men should work out in a gym? The answer to that question is a no. That is only a bonus since the number one priority or reason men must build their body is health.

If you are new to working out, and you are a man, you must learn a thing or two about lifting weights and body builders. So continue reading to discover more.

As men reach their middle age years, he will experience 1% loss of muscle mass each year. The significance of bulking up during this stage is to maintain a man's physical shape. If he does not work out, he will become thinner and look older each year.

Another significant reason man should work out is that he needs it to maintain his strength, flexibility, and balance. Since most men are exposed to jobs that require physical power, bodybuilding has become essential for them to keep their jobs.

On the other hand, some body building men do it for aesthetic and appearance reasons. They might go into the gym because they will join bodybuilding competitions. Or they are just working out to attract the opposite gender.

The most effective exercise a man can do during a workout session is a compound exercise. With this type of exercise, a man can gain more muscles faster. A few of that kind of exercises are military presses, snatches, dead lifts, bench presses, and squats.

A calorie and protein loaded diet is important to body builders. It helps them gain the energy that they lost when they worked out. In addition, it lets their bodies to generate muscles quickly.

Theoretically, getting enough sleep can improve bodybuilding. This is because the body rebuilds and regenerates when a man is asleep. Moreover, CDC (Centers for Disease Control) recommends that adults, whether man or woman, should acquire seven up to nine hours of sleep.

You should have learned a lot about body building men today. Some of the facts mentioned here are also applicable to body building women. However, if you want to know more, it is best that you experience body building yourself.

I've prepared some powerful body building and fitness secrets for you below, enjoy!
To get cutting edge techniques in body building and getting in the best shape of your life, click here: body building men

Sunday, February 17, 2013

High Cholesterol Foods - Knowing What To Eat And What Not To Eat Can Make All The Difference

When it comes to dealing with high cholesterol, there are a number of ways that you can attack your problem. Perhaps the best defence against this type of health condition is to choose to lead a healthy lifestyle that includes a well balanced and healthy diet devoid of high cholesterol foods, natural supplements, a lot of physical activity, and the elimination of any bad habits such as smoking and excess alcohol consumption.

If you want to focus on your diet alone, then you have to start by addressing the high cholesterol foods you are consuming.

You can think about high cholesterol foods two different ways. The good, and the bad.
There are a certain foods that are heart healthy and beneficial for any diet, and then there are foods that will simply hurt your situation by contributing to the level of bad cholesterol that is present in your body.

The Good

High cholesterol foods that are good for you can take on a number of different forms. Ideally, you want to stick to heart healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, soy based foods, and many more.

Foods such as oatmeal, walnuts, blueberries, avocado, fish, apples, and green leafy vegetables are all great foods that you can consume in order to help your cholesterol situation.

Identifying healthy foods for your diet is the easy part. Actually sticking to those foods is the tough part and is oftentimes where people have the most trouble.

The Bad

There are tons of high cholesterol foods that can add to the problem that you are facing. The problem with theses types of foods is that they are the ones that oftentimes taste the best, so they are harder to avoid because we simply love them.

Avoiding them, though, is the key to a successful battle against high cholesterol. Some of the bad foods that should be avoided are fast food, fatty red meats, cheese, whole milk, sugary foods, and any other foods that are high in saturated fats and unhealthy oils.

Knowing which type of high cholesterol foods can help and hurt your situation is the key to building a well balanced diet for a healthier lifestyle.

Once you plan out your diet and combine it with natural supplements, and actually begin to stick with it on a consistent basis, then you should begin to see a generally improvement in your cholesterol levels. You can verify this by performing regular cholesterol level tests.

If you are ready to combat the effects of your high cholesterol foods and strengthen your heart health to protect yourself against heart disease, then visit my website today for FREE quality information that will guide you to success.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mary_Ruddy

Complications and Alternative Methods To Obesity Treatment

People who are obese can have one or more health problems as a result of the excessive fat and weight they carry around. Some of these issues can be serious or life threatening. These include high blood pressure, diabetes, risk of stroke, high cholesterol and fatty liver disease resulting from nonalcoholic issues, depression, sleep apnea and gall bladder disease.

In women obesity can cause irregular periods and infertility as well as cancer of the uterus, cervix, ovaries and breasts. In men, infertility can also result as well as cancer of the prostate.
 Aside from health issues or problems, the quality of life may also suffer because of the excessive weight. Obese persons may not be able to do some physical activities, may suffer discrimination and may avoid public places because of their weight. This could lead to social isolation and depression, physical discomfort or even sexual problems and shame.

Obesity Treatment
Treatment goals would be to reach a healthy weight and support weight at that level. Most likely, nutritionists, dietitians and obesity specialists will help in attainment of the weight goals. Therapists or trainers may also be required. These experts provide information and instruction on how to change eating as well as activity habits to healthier ones.

Treatment methods may consist of changes in diet, changes in activity level or exercise and behavioral changes. For some, there might be a need for prescription medications for weight-loss or surgeries to aid weight loss depending on the severity and health issues involved.

Prevention of Weight Gain after Treatment
There is only one way to prevent weight gain after treatment and that is to make lifestyle changes. When one goes back to overeating and living a sedentary lifestyle, the lost weight will be regained and weight may increase even more. Keeping active and eating healthy is the key to prevention of weight gain even for people taking prescription drugs or those who have undergone surgery.

Alternate Methods
Some advocates of natural medicine would recommend taking herbal remedies and food supplements for weight loss. There will be some that work while others may not work so well. However, note that many of these supplements may not be regulated by the Food and Drug Administration so that care should be taken when planning to use them. It is best to consult doctors and research into the different supplements before suing them.

Knowledge is the key to avoid complications or other health issues. There are also some who claim that hypnosis and acupuncture may work with obesity treatments. Again, consulting medical practitioners is best before attempting to add these to treatment.

Changes in Lifestyle and Behavior
The bottom line in treating and preventing obesity is sensible eating and leading a healthy lifestyle. Eating healthy balanced meals coupled with exercise is the only sure method to treat obesity when the cause is overeating. There are rare medical conditions which can cause obesity and treating these underlying conditions will usually reverse obesity.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Healthy Vegetables Deliver Good Health - Top Ten Benefits of Vegetables

What benefits can you expect from the many tastes and textures of healthy vegetables? The benefits of vegetables start with low calories and high fiber and include the prevention of diabetes and cancer.

1. Counting calories? Vegetables are low in calories but high in nutrition. For this reason, most diets recommend eating plenty of vegetables.

2. Gut problems? Vegetables are high-fiber foods. Fiber prevents all types of gut problems, especially constipation. Fiber has even been shown to lower the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer.

3. Hungry? Starchy vegetables include potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips, and winter squash. These complex carbohydrates are high in vitamins and minerals. They're filling and satisfying. As a bonus, they prevent sugar cravings.

4. Overheated? Cool off with refreshing vegetables such as cucumbers, lettuce, avocados, and tomatoes.

5. Low energy? Beans and lentils are high in protein. Brown rice and beans make a "complete protein" and are a staple of nutritious cuisines around the world.

6. Sniffling? Garlic and onions are antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. Onions have been used to treat the common cold. Onions also contain antihistamine substances that fight allergic reactions.

7. Toxic? Cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower (and other cruciferous vegetables) help the body produce the enzymes to detoxify itself of carcinogens and other toxins. Diets for detoxification are always high in vegetables and vegetable juices.

8. Wear and tear? Phytochemicals ("plant chemicals") in vegetables act as antioxidants that defend the body from the byproducts of metabolism and toxic exposure.

9. Blood sugar problems? The famous Mediterranean diet (high in vegetables, fruit, and whole grains) improves insulin sensitivity. That is, the body improves its ability to use its insulin to control blood sugar. This greatly lowers the risk of diabetes.

10. Preventing cancer? A diet high in vegetables has been shown to lower the risk of lung cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and others. One recent study demonstrated that raw cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower, in just a few servings per month, dramatically reduce the risk of bladder cancer.
With all these and more benefits of vegetables, can you resist adding an extra vegetable to tonight's dinner?

  • Vegetables rich in vitamin
provitamin A
Carrot, spinach, parsley, chervil, pumpkin, squash, cabbage, chard, tomatoes, beans, asparagus, chicory, endive, lettuce, melon, turnip.

vitamin B1
Peas, sweet corn, carrot, leek, asparagus, parsley, garlic, potato, cabbage, watercress, sorrel, spinach, artichoke, turnip.

vitamin B2
Peas, parsley, spinach, asparagus, watercress, cabbage, lettuce, endive, green beans.

vitamin B3
Peas, sweet corn, parsley, asparagus, cabbage, potatoes, watercress, green beans, endive, spinach, eggplant.

vitamin B5
Potato, celery, peas, asparagus, lettuce, spinach, cucumber, carrot, tomato, cabbage, onion, turnip, radish, watercress.

vitamin B6
Cabbage, potato, carrot, green bean, pea, tomato, lettuce.

vitamin C
Sorrel parsley, peppers, watercress, cabbage, spinach, fennel, chard, onion, salad, asparagus, potatoes, turnips, peas, carrots, radishes, lettuce.

vitamin E
Green beans, peas, cabbage, parsley, celery, lettuce, carrots, spinach, tomato, onion, leeks, beets, asparagus.

vitamin K
Spinach, cabbage, watercress, lettuce.

  • Vegetables rich in minerals
Parsley, fennel, spinach, chard, squash, pumpkin, artichokes, garlic, cabbage, sorrel, endive, peas, watercress, carrot, celery, beet.

Watercress, parsley, onion, cabbage, leeks, chard, fennel, endive, spinach, turnip, celery, green beans.

Spinach, parsley, chard, eggplant, onion.

Parsley, spinach, chard, cucumber, peas, onion, watercress, leeks, cucumber, fennel, leek, cucumber, fennel, beets, squash, zucchini, pumpkin, celery, green beans, corn salad.

Watercress, sorrel, leeks, peas, parsley, spinach, green beans, artichokes, cabbage, carrot, beet.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Discover the Best Fruits for Rapid Weight Loss

When it comes time to seeing rapid weight loss to slim down your physique, eating fruit is fabulous. Doing so effectively fights off hunger, as it fill up your belly for hours at a time. Whether it is for breakfast, lunch, dinner or even a snack, you can get energy and taste from natural produce. It's even easy to prepare. You may actually be stunned to discover some of the best fruits to eat for rapid weight loss.

To begin, apples contain has no calories, no sodium and very little fat. Both red and green apples are also rich in vitamins B and C, as well as minerals and antioxidants to keep your body energized. They also expand in your belly, causing you to quickly fill up and put less food into your stomach. While enjoying an apple a day to keep the doctor away, make sure to leave its skin on to get the most fiber. Not only can apples help you to quickly lose weight, they can even assist the human body in fighting off lethal heart disease and dreaded cancer.

Bananas are great for losing weight too. They contain a high content of fat-burning resistant starch, allowing you to enjoy them whenever your little heart desires. Meanwhile, the fruit will help your body digest food. In other words, bananas speed up your metabolism to help you get skinny. Whether you choose a raw green one, or a tasty yellow banana, you can get your fill of important nutrients. For fun, you can even mix the fruit into flavorsome salads, yummy desserts and colorful smoothies.

Consuming low calorie strawberries is magnificent for getting your vitamins B, C and K, as well as fiber and numerous minerals. All of the nutrients fill up your belly, causing you to eat less. Your metabolism is sped up, while your heart is protected. Their ellagic acid and anthocyanins can also help to control your blood sugar level. Strawberries even prevent inflammation, arthritis, poor vision, heart disease and cancer in your body.

Then there are raspberries, one of the single best weight loss foods that you can eat on a daily basis. The yummy fruit is full of natural nutrients, minerals and vitamin A, C and E to fight off any inflammation and infections, along with aging in general. They are also low in calories and saturated fats. Raspberries protect your vision, make your heart stronger, protect you from cancer and prevent your arteries from hardening. Whether it's in your tea, your vinaigrette dressing or on their own, raspberries are fantastic for quickly slimming down your body.

Avocados have grown into a popular part of culture in many parts of the US, especially in California. You can find avocado dip at just about any restaurant, bar and even candy store in the Golden State. Part of the reason avocados have grown so chic and stylish is because they can help your body fight off cardio diseases, while assisting with weight loss. After all, the fruit is made up of many monounsaturated fats, informing your brain that your belly is full. And avocados are certainly trendier than stuffing fattening potato chips or french fries down your throat. At the same time, avocados help you look fashionable too.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_D_Barkley

Fruit calories

Fruit Calories are made up of mostly simple carbohydrates, some proteins, and typically very little fat - of course there are exceptions such as avocado.

52 (218 kj)
48 (201 kj)
160 (670 kj)
94 (393 kj)
75 (312 kj)
81 (339 kj)
490 (2047 kj)
82 (343 kj)
114 (475 kj)
Kiwi fruit
46 (194 kj)
17 (70 kj)
24 (101 kj)
67 (279 kj)
86 (361 kj)
42 (176 kj)
98 (410 kj)
76 (318 kj)
36 (152 kj)
60 (252 kj)
46 (190 kj)
92 (383 kj)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Calculate your BMI ( Body Mass Index)

Calculate Body Mass Index allows you to encrypt your overweight (or underweight your, what happens when you have a sufficiently high body weight) and how much weight you should to keep healthy. Many consider the BMI provides a better indicator than the ideal weight (which, in turn, is calculated with different formulas of Lorentz formula).

BMI is calculated as a function of the mass and size.

Here is the formula: BMI = weight / height ².

The result of the calculation of this index is valid only for adults 18 to 65 years.

How to interpret the result?

BMI (height / weight ²)
Disease risk
less than 15
extremely high
15 to 18.5
18.5 to 25
normal weight
25 to 30
30 to 35
moderate obesity
35 to 40
severe obesity
very high
over 40
Morbid obesity / mass
extremely high

However, be aware that the Body Mass Index does not take into account the proportion of muscle mass or bone mass. It is therefore inappropriate in certain populations (pregnant women, seriously ill, etc.). Especially athletes, who often find themselves overweight (depending on method of calculation) so that their fitness is often better than average individuals. It is also unsuitable for giant or dwarf people, as well as amputees.