
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

With The Right Information Your Love Handles Can Be Gone

By Olevia Learn

Over the years there have been products and plans promising to spot reduce like getting rid of love handles. It's best that you realize that losing fat in a localized area is impossible. Your efforts to lose weight will reach all areas of your body, and when they reach your love handles, they will go away. There are some very standard ways for losing fat, along with a lot of variety available. You must lose excess fat and start a physical fitness program targeting your middle area.

A popular exercise that came along decades ago was isometrics, and it was all the rage for a certain period of time. For some reason, these days you don't hear of too many people doing isometric exercises. But you can do them for your love handle muscles and dedicated effort will produce results. More than one exercise needs to be practiced for best results, and being at the right weight is also important. So the simple isometric oblique exercise is to tighten your love handle muscles for perhaps 30 seconds to a minute and then release. In order to learn the ideal amount of time for keeping the muscles contracted, you will have to experiment on your own. Once you have the time down, you can do as many reps and sets as you want.

All the rage, decades ago, was a new thing in exercise called isometrics. Well, you don't hear much about isometrics anymore for many reasons. Using isometrics for your love handles are like any other exercise program, where you will get the results you want, as long as you put in enough dedicated effort. More than one exercise needs to be practiced for best results, and being at the right weight is also important. So the simple isometric oblique exercise is to tighten your love handle muscles for perhaps 30 seconds to a minute and then release. Finding out how long you want to contract the muscles is a matter of experimenting. The number of reps and sets are up to you, depending how comfortable you are, and how much time you have to spend.

Every lose love handle fat plan can be broken down into three parts. You must eat healthy foods and avoid all the sugary drinks and snack foods. This diet will give you more energy and help you get all of the right nutrients and vitamins. If you really want to burn fat, cardio training can be quite helpful. Not only will you be burning fat, cardio training helps increase the strength of your muscles, the muscles that get built will depend upon exactly how you are carrying out your cardio exercises. From here you will be able to start concentrating on your abdominal muscles. Use that general plan for six months or so and you won't have any fat on your love handles (or a very small amount) and you will look so much better.

There is an exercise called the trunk twist, which is good for your love handles, obliques and midsection. If you don't care if you are seen, then you can do this exercise anywhere. Your feet should be a little more than a shoulder width apart. You can place your hands on your hips or hold them straight out to your sides. You keep your feet in place, while you twist or rotate your upper torso. It is a very controlled exercise, without any bouncing, and the amount of motion needs to be within a healthy range. You need to try this 50 to 100 times, which is called a rep, and then repeat the rep 3 to 5 more times. The next day you will feel it because doing this many exercises, your love handles will feel it.

Figuring out the secret to getting rid of your love handles is not all that different from looking in a mirror. This is a fancy way of saying that you already have everything you need. There's no actual mystery to it, you only have to commit to the decision once you make it.

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